The funds are not yet in place to finance the remaining work on the murals. While the images have been safely transferred to canvas, they still must be transferred onto solid panels so they can be exhibited. So far only $55,000 has been raised of the $125,000 needed to complete the project, but work is going ahead anyway. For this reason we are selling prints to raise the remainder. We are offering for sale a limited set of 200 hand-cut silkscreen prints of the murals, by artist Henry van Seters for $140 each. All proceeds will be donated to the fund to restore the murals. The prints can be purchased exclusively at the Mendel Gift Shop.
Contributors to this fundraiser include artist Henry van Seters, with layout by Hal Shrenk Graphic Design, and printing facilities thanks to Novatex Graphics. Paper was donated by Coast Paper with sample frames provided by Cindy Moleski Photography and Framing. Advertising is provided by Saskatoon Star Phoenix with advertising consulting thanks to Tap Communications. Project coordination has been provided by the staff and management of the Drinkle 3 Building.
Print #1 - Bass Player